Our year in review…

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It’s the time of year where we typically start to evaluate and share the work we’ve done over the past 365 days. But, 2020 is the year where even our most fundamental human rituals have been called into question. Nothing quite makes sense this year, and even though we’ve been quite busy, an agency retrospective just doesn’t feel right this time.

So, instead, we want to highlight a few of the organizations we’ve had the privilege of working with over the past few years and tell you about the impressive work they are doing. Because, ultimately, that’s why we exist – to help people we like do more work that matters. So, check them out, and if their work speaks to you, you’ll find plenty of ways to contribute and help them keep on fighting the good fight.

Onward and oh-my-gosh-it-has-to-be upward, right?


Your friends at CPU


“Mt. SAC was not my first college experience or my last, but it was my best.”
- Danee Pye

We all have so much love for Mt. SAC and the Foundation team. Like us, they are small but mighty, and they wear a lot of hats. They keep alumni in the loop, amplify their stories, and fundraise for current and future students, programs, and initiatives. While you might expect them to provide scholarships (and boy, oh boy, do they), they are also involved in improving facilities, and providing basic needs like food, books, and more to students in need. Check out their alumni success stories. If you went to Mt. SAC or any community college, you may relate to their challenges, and you’ll be impressed by the successes. We sure are.

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Sky’s the Limit is an online mentoring platform focused on increasing the power of small businesses. They focus on young adults from groups that are statistically underrepresented in contemporary entrepreneurship. If you are a business professional, chances are you have a skill that can help someone out there who is trying to build a business. Sky’s the Limit is where you can find them and donate your skills to make a lasting difference in a young person’s life. In addition to mentoring, Sky’s the Limit provides regular funding opportunities and numerous business tools and templates, and it’s free for those who qualify. They also host neat events like this one.


“We believe every baby deserves a healthy start at life.”
- Healthier Moms and Babies

Doesn’t everyone believe that every baby deserves a healthy start at life? If you feel like this is obvious, then you’ll be all about supporting the work Healthier Moms and Babies does. Every year, too many babies do not live to see their first birthdays due to preventable losses and preterm births. If you believe Black Lives Matter, you will also care about supporting their work because Black babies die at higher rates than any other race. Healthier Moms and Babies is working to change that in their local community through education, support, and tools to have healthier pregnancies and births. They meet moms where they’re at (literally, they do home visits) to provide support both before and after birth. They’ll even go to doctors visits to help moms get the information and advocacy they need. Learn more about what they do and why it matters.


Tomorrow’s Game


What is work that matters?